I’m Alicia Jones from Alicia Jones Healthy Living!  


Are you determined to live the second half of your life healthy and strong for both you AND your family and you’re ready to take those first steps towards optimal health? 


Are you motivated to slim down (especially around the belly) so you can slide into your jeans comfortably and feel confident in your skin? 


Or maybe no matter how much you know how important fitness and nutrition are to achieve weight loss, increase your strength and achieve optimal health over 50, you just can’t push yourself to get started?


If you answered YES to any or all of the questions, I know you’ll get immense value out of this 7-Day Starters Strength Training and Slim Down Challenge. 


By the end of our 7 days together you’re going to have a proven set of starter’s strength training and nutrition strategies that you can consistently rely on to achieve optimal health, increase your strength and slim down the stubborn belly fat in your 50’s and beyond.


I know these strategies work because I’ve not only used them on myself before 50 to lose the weight, stay healthy and feel strong without crazy fad diets and without pushing myself to the point of exhaustion at a gym, 


But I’ve also helped hundreds of women over 50 to feel energized, create optimal health and feel confident with these strategies too. 


I am so passionate about specifically teaching women over 50 that all of my decades of study and research into health, weight loss and fitness, including a double specialized honors in kinesiology and over 250 health and fitness credits, have been specifically geared towards helping women over 50. 


Why? Because more than at any other stage of life YOU GET IT!

  • You’re ready to throw away all of those crazy yo-yo diet fads and exhausting intense workouts 

  • You’re ready to find a solution that DOESN’T include deprivation!

  • Never again will you follow one of those restrictive 500 calories diets

  • Never again will you eliminate an entire food group. You love bread too much!  

  • No more fitness that feels like an exhausting punishment and leaves you feeling sore and achy for days! 

You’re ready to find a new and better way!


 And if you’re wondering:


“But is this even possible?” 

“Can I get my body back?” 

“Can I feel as energized as I did in my 30’s?”

“Can I get my health back and feel strong?” 


The answer is YES, YES, YES! 


Because you’ve already taken the first most powerful step:


You’ve understood that in order break free from the on again off again fitness and weight loss cycle you’ve been doing for years and finally achieve lasting strength, optimal health and an abundance of energy in your 50’s 60’s 70’s and beyond, you’ve got to do things differently!


That means you begin with a clear step by step roadmap, one that combines starter’s strength training and healthy nutrition strategies that hold you accountable, ignite your motivation and teach you how achieve results on your terms.  


And over the next 7 days I’ll share the strategies to achieve that! 



Promise me you’ll finish this 7-day challenge. 



The steps will be quick and simple and give you some days geared to fitness and some with mindset and nutrition fun. 



To help you feel motivated to continue on, there’s a special bonus I’ve added at the end when you reach the finish line. 


And if one of the steps needs adjusting to fit your lifestyle, just reach out in the Facebook group here and ask for modifications. 


That’s one of the valuable things I teach: that losing weight and achieving optimal health will never depend on you fitting into a one size fits all plan. 


It’s not about feeling guilty because you can’t “keep it up”.


It’s all about adapting a program to fit YOU, to fit your age and stage of life and shape a plan to fit you, on your terms.


That’s how you achieve lasting and consistent results. 


So, let’s create those starter’s steps YOUR WAY! :D 

I’m going to teach you how to plan your future long-term goals


This isn’t like any other goal setting you’ve done before, where you hand your control to the number of pounds you want to see on the scale. 

Today is a simple 10-minute starter’s strength training workout


Did you know that over 50 strength training is EVEN more powerful than cardio in order to lose fat, increase your strength and enhance your quality of life?

So far, you’ve sparked that motivation and accomplished the  moves you MUST master to achieve optimal health, increased strength and weight loss over 50.


The missing element is nutrition!

© Copyrights by Alicia Jones. All Rights Reserved.